Tag Archives: astrology

Demystifying Mercury Retrograde

Today, April 1st, represents April Fool’s Day, but aside from that, it is also the first day of Mercury going retrograde. So, hold on to your hats; it may be a bumping ride for those who are unprepared. Don’t worry; the duration of Mercury being retrograde is relatively short and can be a productive period when prepared.  This month’s Mercury retrograde is from April 1st until April 24th in Aries.

Many are familiar with the term “Mercury Retrograde” and have, to some degree, learned what to expect.  Now, for those who haven’t heard of Mercury Retrograde, I will attempt to clarify what is behind the notorious Mercury Retrograde. For starters, panic is unnecessary, especially if you are prepared and somewhat aware of what to expect. Consider this like a potential weather forecast of a pending storm, which means you wear your favorite protective gear.   

What is a retrograde?

All planets move at a specific speed; however, they tend to slow down their forward movement during a retrograde, creating the visual illusion that they are moving backward. At some point throughout the year, planets will enter a retrograde state, which can be short or long-term.  In the case of Mercury, it enters a retrograde state 3 to 4 times a year, typically lasting 24 days, changing every 88 days.

First, to understand Mercury Retrograde, you need to know a bit about the astrological role of Mercury. In astrology, the planet Mercury is named after the Roman God Mercury, referred to as Hermes in the Greek pantheon.  The planet Mercury represents our abilities to talk and think, which in turn influences all forms of communication, networking, strategizing, all forms of travel, as well as flirting.  Mercury is clever and sometimes a trickster.  However, regardless of the Zodiac Sign, Mercury is transiting, and when it’s in retrograde, the normal communication filters and ability to think can be a tad wonky and unfocused.    

Mercury’s role in the astrological signs will vary depending on the Zodiac sign and its astrological element.  Beginning on April 1st, Mercury will be stationed in Aries, which is a fire sign of action, directness, and determination. Mercury in Aries represents fearless energy, passion, and readiness to action without hesitation, and it sometimes spontaneously says things without the correct social filters.   Mercury in Aries can be fun, energetic, and charming, but it can also be unpredictable, forceful, and intimidating for sensitive folks.  

Things to expect during a Retrograde:

  • Disagreements with others are typical, usually due to irritability and misunderstanding enhanced by the aspects of Mercury.
  • Items breaking, computer crashes, and technical flare-ups naturally occur when we are not focused.
  • Expect more than normal travel delays, heavy traffic, and delayed flights.
  • Mental fogginess, not feeling very alert, easily irritated, and not feeling sociable.
  • Brainstorming and problem-solving can take longer than usual.

To help you manage the retrograde, here are some practical tips to consider using:

  • It’s a great time to study for tests or review old paperwork.
  • Keep a journal to help you vent and track down emotional changes.
  • Keep a to-do list to help you track things and stay focused.
  • It’s a decent time to declutter and clear your personal space.
  • Avoid traveling, but if you must, take a good book or things to keep you entertained if you experience delays.
  • Avoid multitasking because this is a period where mistakes occur easily.
  • Reread emails and texts before replying.
  • A great time to edit and update written material.
  • Avoid buying new electrical equipment, especially phones or new computers.
  • Good time to scan your computer for viruses.
  • Pace yourself, and don’t let anyone or anything rush you.
  • Get into the habit of meditating; it will improve focus and concentration.
  • Maintain a calendar of appointments and things to do to help you stay on top of things.
  • Delay asking for raises or promotions because most decisions made now will be revised and not always in your favor.
  • When interviewing for jobs, make sure you have an updated resume and a list of questions to help you avoid accepting offers that are beneficial.
  • Delay signing new contracts since the details may not be completely clear during the foggy stages of a retrograde.

I will advise you just to be generally prepared and not fearful since fear itself blocks our ability to think clearly and solve problems efficiently. The best method for handling any astrological aspect is to remain grounded and calm and tackle one project at a time.

Copyright. 2024. R. Castro


Here are some additional resources for the curious.

Mercury https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mercury-Roman-god

Useful astrology link is loaded with tons of freebies.   https://www.astro.com/horoscope

Recommended Books

The following are some books I think can be quite useful in learning a bit more about astrology. Enjoy

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need Paperback by Joanna Martine Woolfolk

Parkers’ Astrology: The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life by Julia and Derek Parker

Astrology as a Planning Tool

Astrology has been a valuable tool for personal navigation since its introduction. We can find dozens of times throughout history when the heavenly planets were used to strategize war plans, farming, traveling, and even determining who is suitable for leadership rules. The alignments of planets provided astrologists with an opportunity to calculate future planning based on favorable planetary aspects.

This blog focuses on the most practical format possible to guide you through the months ahead. We can use the astrological aspects for planning different life events on various levels to endure the ultimate outcome. Keep in mind that the study of astrology is quite involved, and it takes years to master the different practical uses of astrology.

There are many ways to use astrology, and the possibilities are truly endless. You can use the monthly planetary transits to help in the following ways:

  • Begin new jobs or business ventures
  • Plant a vegetable and fruit garden
  • Taking short or long trips
  • Weddings or engagements
  • Divorcing or ending relationships
  • Buying a home or new vehicle
  • Investing your money
  • Moving into a new place
  • Beginning a new relationship
  • Having social events or gathering
  • Starting a workout regimen or diet plan
  • Personal improvement
  • Creative projects

The above list is an example of the many advantages of using astrology. Of course, you can start and do anything whenever you desire; however, using astrology only enhances the best possible outcomes. I think of astrology like a weather forecast, if you know it’s snowing, you may not do well in planting a garden, or if it’s raining, it may not be a perfect day for a picnic. 


A good friend of mine who did not understand astrology once asked me how astrology truly impacts us?  In the best laymen’s terms, I explained the following: ‘think of the planets as packets of molecules and chemicals, like the Sun, which its ability to supply us with Vitamin D.  Always remember that we are comprised of various chemicals that help our body function.  Exposure to certain chemicals released into the atmosphere will change our biological chemical makeup. The chemical benefit of the Sun is why doctors recommend getting at least 15 minutes of natural vitamin D to improve our moods.’ Now getting back to the monthly astrological transits, the planets move at various speeds around the Sun, and each journey exposes us to various atmosphere deposits.  In science, if you recall, each planet has millions of chemicals in its atmosphere.

Copyright © 2022, R. Castro


Planetary chart. Retrieved from:  https://www.planetary.org/space-images/the-atmospheres-of-the-solar-system

Shaftel, H. (2018) 10 Things:  Planetary atmospheres.  Retrieved from: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/news/436/10-things-planetary-atmospheres/

Allen, J.  (2003) Chemistry in Sunlight. Retrieved from: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/ChemistrySunlight

Astrology as a Coaching Tool

Astrology allows an individual to obtain understanding and clarity on personal barriers and strengths. Astrology does more than predict forecasts on disasters and auspicious outcomes; it serves as a roadmap for planning. Using astrology as a coaching tool, allows a coach to create a game plan for change that is specific and aligned with an individual’s personal needs and strengths.

Astrology charts are created specifically based on individual aspects in accordance with birthdates, time zone, and birth location. Each chart reflects the best and most challenging aspects, giving a coaching blueprint for designing concrete goals for their clients.

Each chart contains 12 houses that represent different personal areas, which are reinforced by aspects created by planetary placements. Each planet will have a different influence on the houses they occupy making those positions either favorable or challenging. The astrological houses not only impact specific areas, but they also create aspects between the positions of the planets within each house.

The chart begins with your rising and moves from the first house all the way to the 12th house. To understand how this chart specifically works for the person, one needs to review each aspect to reflection to the individual. Keep in mind, that every person has 12 houses in the chart, but not every chart has aspects in each house. The houses with aspects are the ones that influence the individual specifically and is exactly what separates the individual from anyone else born on the same day.

Here is a brief chart of the 12 houses:

House Keywords Zodiac Sign Natural Ruler Traditional Ruler
1st Personality, public persona, identity, physical image  Aries  Mars
2nd Possessions, beauty, money, investments livelihood  Taurus  Venus
3rd Personal expression, short trips, communication styles, educational, siblings  Gemini Mercury
4th Home life, family, cultural influences, traditions parent  Cancer  Moon
5th Creative expression, children, romantic style, entertainment  Leo  Sun
6th Physical health, well-being, service, work, routine, habits  Virgo Mercury
7th Partnerships, marriage, open enemies  Libra  Venus
8th Sexuality and sex needs, death, inheritances, other’s money, potential areas of loss  Scorpio  Pluto  Mars
9th Travel, higher education, personally explorations religion, spirituality, legal matters Sagittarius  Jupiter
10th Career, Public image, social position, dominant parent Capricorn  Saturn
11th Friendships, associations, community engagement Aquarius  Uranus  Saturn
12th Personal secrets, hidden fears, the unconscious, secret relationships, secret enemies, need for isolation  Pisces Neptune  Jupiter


Coaches can use the personal astrology chart to review areas of strength and challenges in order to create strategies to develop career paths, improve relationships and enhance overall personal power. In order to determine the best game plan, a coach will review the chart and look for areas that indicate strength as well as the areas that may be potentially sabotaging.

Astrology coaching sessions include the initial composition of the individual chart, plus a series of following sessions, very much like traditional coaching.

Copyright© 2019 R. Castro