When your Partner is Depressed

Your partner, whom you love and enjoyed being around, went from being an easy-going person into an irritable and moody dark cloud. No matter what you do or say, you just can’t seem to cheer them up.  You often feel like you fail to make your partner happy and are worried your relationship will fail.  Though depression can impact the relationship, it does not mean your union has to suffer a loss.

It is essential to recognize the symptoms to find ways to cope and manage depression effectively. There are various degrees of depression, from chronic, persistent to mild. 

Individuals can suffer from depression and not even know it. Depression can come and go throughout a person’s life without expressing itself in recognizable symptoms.

The symptoms of depression can range from mild to extreme and include some of the following symptoms:

  1.  Ongoing periods of low mood or sadness
  2.  A tendency to experience hopelessness and helplessness
  3. Bouts of low self-esteem, which can impact sexual drive
  4. Often irritated and intolerant of other
  5. Crying at times for no reason
  6. Struggles with decision making
  7. Changes in eating habits, which contribute to weight gain or loss
  8. Inconsistent sleeping patterns
  9. Excessive drinking and self-medication with both illicit and non-illicit drugs
  10. Feeling guilt-ridden due to lack of drive
  11. Low motivation or loss of interest in things they typically enjoy
  12. Feeling concerned or anxious often
  13. Suicidal thoughts or desire to self-harm
  14. Isolation from others, when they usually are social

Occasionally we all experience a few of the symptoms above, especially when encountering a challenging period in our lives. For instance, if we are unhappy with various circumstances, such a work, health, home life, or relationship, it is natural to become depressed. 

Depression does not have to be the end of your relationship. You can get through this period together by finding concrete ways to cope and manage the symptoms. It is useful to seek help that accommodates your lifestyles and personal needs.  When it comes to depression, being proactive is vital, and the best way to manage it.  

It is essential to take care of yourself when one’s partner is struggling with depression.  It is common to experience guilt and frustration when we feel at a loss at helping our partner navigate their emotional crisis. Self-care can take on the following forms:

  • Therapy
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Energy work
  • Support group
  • Self-compassion
  • Physical care such as exercising and resting
  • Take short breaks
  • Let go of guilt
  • Be patient with yourself

We cannot help others when we are emotionally exhausted. Self-care will allow you to maintain the emotional and mental endurance required to be anyone’s support system.  

Copyright © 2020 R. Castro


Depression: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/clinical-depression/symptoms/

Signs: https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/how-to-cope-with-a-depressed-spouse/

Providing support: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-support-a-partner-struggling-with-depression-1717700336

Tips for coping: https://psychcentral.com/lib/suffering-in-silence-when-your-spouse-is-depressed/

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