Tag Archives: budgets

Resolving Your Money Issues

Our relationship with money is often an inherited heirloom of complicated beliefs and views that can indeed plague us throughout our lives. We grow up either viewing money as a savior or the root of all evil.  But the fact is, money is neither.  It is a currency that enables us to engage in society, but it has as much value as we place upon it.

The duality that money represents makes it hard for some of the population to earn, maintain, and spend balance successfully.  Our beliefs and inherited tapes can enable and disable our ability to sustain a balanced relationship with money, which is why money has become so many the root of all evil.

The key to having a relationship with money is understanding what it represents to you as an individual. If money represents power and freedom, you might find yourself diving into the deep end of the pool just to obtain loads of money.  If it represents greed or evil, you might find yourself struggling to earn your worth.

Money does not have to represent extremes; it can merely be a currency of energy exchange. To help you create a balance, you first need to understand the role money means for you.  Here are a few questions to help you identify your relationship with money.

  1. Security
  2. Stability
  3. Power
  4. Access to goods
  5. Respect
  6. Social status
  7. Freedom
  8. Ability to support others
  9. Fun and entertainment

Now, how much money do you believe you need to obtain any of the above?  And can you receive some of the above without cash?  What would be an ideal amount of money to get you what you want?  And what would happen if you got what you wanted?

The key to creating a healthy relationship with money is to develop a balance between needs and wants.  Learning how to distinguish what money truly represents in your life will provide you with better-coping tools. For starters, here is a way to improve your relationship with money:

  1. Change your money attitude: The key to having a healthy relationship with money is an attitude more than quantity. Can you see the value of money and how it can be helpful and useful?

  2. Let go of negative associations: Money is not the root of all evil.  People with bad intentions use the money to obtain their goals.  Money is only a tool that can be used or misused depending on the person using it.

  3. Modify your views on goal attainment: Money is not the only want to obtain your goals. To obtain your goals, you need clear and detailed plans of action which include several factors that do not require money

  4. Invest in your creative thinking: When you expand your creative thinking skills, you can create non-money related opportunities. In broaden your views, you learn to have a healthier relationship with money that is not limiting.

  5. Expand your thinking: Get acquainted with Youtube, Google, or Pinterest to help you connect to tons of useful and free resources available in various fields.

  6. No money no problem: Brainstorm solutions rather than assume everything needs to be resolved with money

  7. Money does have a useful purpose: Though I encourage you to think outside the money box, I am not suggesting money is useless.  I am merely encouraging you not to feel like it is the only way to solve problems or have fun.

  8. There is no need to spend every dime: It is ok to save a little and spend a little Just because you have a little money in your pocket does not mean you have to get rid of it; it is ok to save for a rainy day

  9. Spend with joy: When you spend money, make sure you do it on something that brings you joy and fulfills a need.

  10. Help your money grow: Learn to invest your money, so work does not become the only way to make money

  11. Treat your savings like a bill.  Put a percentage of your income into a saving and investment account

  12. Create a budget: Design a budget that allows you to monitor your money because we often spend money without realizing it.

  13. Create saving goals:  Saving with a purpose helps commit to your savings goal more effectively.
  14. Create a budget: Budgets allow you to manage your money and prevent you from overspending on unnecessary items.  It also helps reduce the urgency to get rid of the evil money in your pocket.

  15. Learn about money enhancements: Use Google to create a list of available resources in your community, as well as tips for improving your investments and budget goals
  16. Spend wisely: Just because you grew up thinking money was evil does not mean you need to burn through it. If you plan on spending your money, spend it on things worth it and not objects that fall apart.

  17. No need to be broke: Keep in mind, wanting to save is not evil, and it does not make you greedy. It’s ok to have money in the bank, your pocket, or a cookie jar.

It provides you with emergency funds for situations such as fixing valuable equipment, i.e., car, computer phone, maintaining a safe place of residence, and facilitating your life with minimal struggles. On the other hand, wanting excessive amounts will not provide you with peace and comfort, mostly if material goods are obtained for status symbols and make you stand out amongst your peers. The truth is, money will not buy you happiness, only temporary satisfaction.

Copyright © 2020 R. Castro

Improving your Relationship with Money

Money is an emotional pin that can bust our bubble or make us feel like we are soaring above the clouds.  It can make us feel safe, superior as well as entirely worthless. Our relationship with money contributes to our ability to earn well and fail miserably in maintaining a budget.

Many of us have a love-hate relationship when it comes to money. Depending on how we were raised, we can see money as the primary solution to all our problems or as a component in manipulating people through greed and power.  The fact is, money itself has no agenda and how we use it or misuse it has a lot to do with our views on money.

To help you achieve specific goals in life, you will need to adjust your view regarding money, specifically if money is part of what will facilitate your goals.  Here is a brief list of issues that impact our relationship with money, which should be recognized to improve our thinking.

  1. Make money work for you, this way it becomes a real asset.
  2. keep a money journal to help you track and understand your spendings
  3. Needing money does not make you evil nor greedy
  4. Money does have a useful purpose; therefore, wanting money does serve a purpose.
  5. Though at times you may feel wanting money, it is ok to have some
  6. It is ok to make money for your services or work
  7. Money is useful, but it is not the only resource available for solving problems
  8. Do expand your creative problem-solving skills to reduce your dependency on money
  9. Money is not the only tool for obtaining goals
  10. Design a budget since it will help you save and spend with purpose
  11. Spend money on things that bring you joy and not unnecessary debt
  12. Create a budget that includes essential bills as well as money for fun and savings.
  13. Create a list of available resources in your community and available online
  14. Learn to shop with purpose rather than out of boredom
  15. Learn to tap into available free resources to avoid unnecessary spending
  16. Having a little extra money in your pocket does not mean you have to spend it
  17. Shop with purpose rather than out of boredom
  18. You are not greedy for saving money
  19. Invest your money wisely, so work does not become the only sources for making money
  20. There is a difference between gambling and investing your money, become acquainted with investment choices
  21. Treat your savings like a utility bill.  Instead of paying for an extra latte or movie channel, treat yours savings like a bill.
  22. Avoid emotional spending since it often leads to debt and unnecessary purchases
  23. When shopping for groceries, create a weekly menu with a shopping list.
  24. Create saving goals; this will allow you to assign your budget to something specific, which will reduce pointless shopping
  25. Budget for fun activities, this way you do not feel like you only work to pay bills
  26. Learn to take advantage of coupons when grocery shopping
  27. Buy what you need and avoid shopping just because there is a sale
  28. Eat before going grocery shopping to avoid overspending on junk food
  29. Do some research when buying significant appliances or big-ticket items to avoid over-paying
  30. Buy quality vs. quantity, since good quality goods last longer, which means less shopping for replacements

The list may not reduce all your issues with money, but hopefully, it will help you view things from a different perceptive.

Copyright © 2020 R. Castro

Useful Resources:

5 minute simply money meditation provided by:
Music created and licensed exclusively for Emily Rhinier/
Unlimited You Spoken words by Emily Rhinier (Unlimited You)
