Tag Archives: conquering fear

Fear and its Impact

Fear can be a paralyzing and agonizing experience for some. The average person faces fear with some apprehension, but for the most part, most folks do what they can to let go of its grip. However, fear has many layers and ways in which it will impact us.  For instance, fear does some of the following when it is doing its best work:

  • It makes us believe we are incapable of improving
  • Reduces our efforts to improve because we subscribe to the mindset, we are beyond repair
  • Feeling defeated increases feeling of depression, which also decreases the production of dopamine in the brain, which reinforces the cycle of depression
  • Our lack of motivations decreases our desires to eat or follow medical recommendations
  • Our drive to improve is lessened when we do not see a logical point to continue the good fight
  • Fear impacts our concentration and decision-making skills
  • Fear keeps us stuck and unwilling to take the necessary risk
  • Fear locks us into cycles of unhealthy dependency on toxic individuals
  • Fear reinforces the patterns associated with procrastination
  • We avoid medical care because fear has us believing completely in worse case scenarios
  • We avoid talking to people we are attracted to because we have learned to accept the belief, we are unworthy of love
  • We remain in dead-end jobs because we are afraid of taking on new challenges and failing
  • Fear encourages us to engage in constant Catastrophizing
  • We seldom take the risk, which means we often lose out on great opportunities
  • Fear is the best friend of phobia since it keeps it alive and continuously feeds it with reinforcing negative thoughts
  • Fear keeps us locked in a world of constant self-doubts and stuck in worse situations
  • Fear imprisons us

Change is scary, but to handle fear successfully, you need to be willing to change.  It takes effort to change the mindset that reinforces the dialogue of fear. To help you work through your worries, here is a list of healthy suggestions:

  1. You do not need to turn into a superhero; just simply allow yourself a chance to try things.
  2. Take baby steps since every effort will build your courage
  3. Learn about Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Techniques to help you change the beliefs that reinforce your fears.
  4. Practice visualization techniques to help you imagine new realities and handle fear
  5. Maintain a self-discovery journal and write down in details about your fear
  6. Do a realize ritual, where you write down one thing you are most afraid of and then burn the paper, imagining you are burning away the fear
  7. Read and learn about EMDR therapy to help you conquer fear and phobias
  8. Practice affirmations that reinforce positive thinking patterns
  9. Learn about Vagus Nerve Exercises with the help of a therapist.

Though there is a variety of useful techniques to handle fear, the most successful way to handle fear is through therapy. A therapist can help you navigate through the emotional jungle that keeps you stuck in a life infest with fear. The treatment process may be a bit scary, but keep in mind that it will help you more than remaining stuck.

Copyright © 2020 R. Castro


Dissecting terror: How does fear work?

What happens brain feel fear

Fear, anxiety and the brain physiology

How does the brain process fear

YouTube videos




Copyright © 2020 R. Castro