Tag Archives: feelings

Understanding our Emotions and Feelings

Our emotions represent our physiological states and are subconsciously manifested. Our feelings are expressions of our emotions and are triggered by thoughts and beliefs.

Too many of us were taught that certain emotions were negative and that we should avoid them. We have been expected to be calm and easygoing, even during horrible periods of our lives. We were taught to see the blessings in everything to negate the stuff that causes us conflict and pain. As wonderful as being happy is, it is not the only feeling we experience, and there is a reason for that. Our emotions allow us to recognize what is painful and unhealthy for us. The more we instruct our mind to only turn to the happiness channel, the less we genuinely heal because minimizing and repressing what we feel does not go away but instead gets buried in our unconscious.

Understanding the message behind your emotional reactions is essential for inner calm and balance. In our unconscious, the emotional pile-up of unresolved events creates a mindset that contributes to patterns and behaviors that eventually sabotage us. Repressed feelings fester, and soon we become unbalanced due to the overload. 

Our emotions and feelings represent:

  • Fear – allows us to recognize patterns that may be dangerous to our well-being. Unchecked fears become roadblocks, so we need to understand them better.
  • Anger – a reaction to feeling mistreated and manipulated. However, unchecked anger does eventually rob us of ever experiencing peace.
  • Jealous –When we experience jealousy, we do so because we assume others are better and that we lack what it takes to be loved
  • Irritability is expressed when we are annoyed by situations we view as disturbing the balance and peace of our lives. Unchecked irritability can contribute to depression as well as angry outbursts.
  • Depression – When we see ourselves as doomed and forever stuck in situations, we will experience depression. This emotional state can be chronic and prevents us from thriving.  
  • Anxiety – This is an emotional reaction to situations that we perceive as beyond our scope of coping. Anxiety represents the belief we are incapable of managing conflicts since we have adopted the view that we are powerless. Unmanaged anxiety will keep us stuck in a loop of powerlessness and vulnerability.
  • Sadness– a reaction to events or situations that cause distress and deep hurt. It is normal to experience this when faced with a loss. However, it only becomes an issue when it keeps us emotionally paralyzed.
  • Grief – is the state of emotional distress and emptiness that occurs after losing a loved one or status in our lives. It can be brief or long-term in its duration. Unresolved grief can block us from living a full life.

I do not believe in telling folks how to feel or what emotional state is best. However, I do encourage folks to keep things balanced. Our emotions are unconscious interpreters of our world, and being stuck in one emotional state prevents us from fully experiencing other aspects.

We are not designed to only experience happiness but a range of emotional realities. We do not need to walk around being angry, fearful, or zombie-like because we are stuck. Instead, learn to interpret and understand your emotional reactions to living a full life.  

Copyright ©2022. R. Castro.

Mood Management

Definition of mood:  A mood is a mental reaction to emotions or feelings. It is the state of being which is influenced by our feelings or emotions. When you manage your moods, you are managing how emotions or feelings impact your mental state. To help you distinguish an emotion from a feeling you need to understand; Emotions are the state of being or consciousness created by feelings, while a feeling is an external reaction experienced through our five sense.

Mood management is about learning to manage your reactions to your emotions or feelings. When it comes to managing your moods, the focus is not about allowing yourself only to feel happy or joy. Management means you are learning to express your moods productively and healthily.  And yes, you will experience grief, anger, and sadness when the time comes for those emotions to surface, but when they surface, they will not drown you. Mood management requires understanding how emotions and feelings work and how they impact your life.

Whenever people think about emotions, they automatically think anger. The fact is anger is just one spoke in the human wheel of emotions. You have a range of emotions that can be both useful and harmful, all depending on how you express or repress them.  Emotions can invite people into our world or push them away. The fact is that how we handle ourselves emotionally will have an impact on both social and personal aspects of our lives. Learning to manage our moods will enable us to live full and balanced life.

Learning to manage our moods takes practice if we are not in the habit of doing so. There a few practical methods that will allow you to gain some control. Now keep in mind that the term management does not mean elimination. You are not going to get rid of your moods and become robotic or stoic. There are benefits in all emotions provided they do not create destruction or isolation from others. For starters let’s review reasons to learn control before moving forward.

Types of emotions and their impact


  • Keeps you isolated since others become afraid and tend to avoid us
  • People shut down the minute someone is yelling or aggressive
  • It leads to potential hostile situations


  • Keeps us afraid
  • Holds us back from progress
  • Prevents us from trying new things


  • Can lead to depression
  • Can keep us person stuck
  • Contributes to isolation


  • Will keep you stuck
  • Destroys your motivation
  • Reduces your ability to see opportunities


  • It’s a vicious cycle that keeps you in a loop
  • It’s unproductive and energy consuming
  • It produces anxiety

Though the list does not contain every emotion you can experience, keep in mind that the basic coping techniques will work with most of them.  Some  tools for managing your moods are the following:

  1. Regular meditations to help you gain insight as well as develop a calmer mind
  2. Journaling to help you sort out events and how they impact you.
  3. Exercising helps reduce the impact of negative emotions like anger and sadness
  4. Get support whenever you are dealing with grief, fear or anger
  5. Breathing exercises are very effective in calming the mind and inducing a sense of calmness
  6. Eating a balanced diet, drinking water and taking vitamins
  7. Get the right amount of sleep
  8. Take time to pamper yourself
  9. Avoid sugar products or stimulants
  10. Pray when necessary
  11. Engage in spiritual practices
  12. Chakra balancing exercises
  13. chanting

There are many different outlets and methods for managing your moods naturally. The methods do take time to get used to, but they are worth the effort. You can try all the above techniques or just a few. The idea is to do something productive regularly until you have found some balance. You do not need to get rid of any particular emotions, but merely manage it so you can live more productively and entirely.

Copyright©2018 Rosa Castro




Cultivating Self-Kindness

We wait for others to treat us right. We wait for approval and love. We want to be recognized, appreciated and made to feel beautiful. We depend on ours to fill the empty spaces in our lives because we often don’t know the first thing about loving ourselves. We make abusive choices, select partners who also lack and don’t know how to love us. We duplicate the abuse we grew up in by making the same unhealthy choices. When we don’t get what we want, we blame the world. We blame our parents for not teaching us or preparing us for a better life, or society as a whole.

We focus outside of ourselves for happiness and wholeness. Meantime all the secrets to our happiness and harmony lie dormant inside of us.

Now to create new realities and harmony, you will need to let go of old thinking.

  1. Reduce self-criticism – Putting yourself down, reinforces the old patterns you learned as a child.
  2. Trust yourself –  Learn to believe in the goodness inside of you
  3. Seek Like minded people– Being around supportive people reinforces positive thinking
  4. Let go and forgive –  Its ok to let go of what no longer serves you.
  5. Practice random acts of kindness – reduces the need to be right, vengeful or angry.
  6. Keep the past in the past – Recognize the fact you are no longer a young and vulnerable child
  7. Be gentle – stop being so demanding on yourself and harsh. One never achieves goals by beating themselves, if anything it reinforces old tapes.
  8. Patience – take time to relearn and gain confidence
  9. Self-compassion – you need to be easy on yourself and allow yourself to be human.
  10. Practice Metta meditation – this meditation will help retrain your thinking and increase mindfulness
  11. Practice Tonglen– learn to meditate so you can allow yourself to give and take with balance.
  12. Self-care- Create a self-care routine that includes a variety of healthy practices
  13. Eat Healthy Meals- learn how to make truly healthy and tasty meals that will maintain your health. Avoid foods that contribute to mood changes like sugar, too much caffeine or alcohol. Also if you have allergies, or medical conditions be kind to your body and make mindful choices.
  14. Move your body – exercise your body according to your needs and physical limitations. Exercising can include a broad range of activities, from walking, biking, dancing, jogging, swimming, etc. Find something that helps you move

Self-kindness is about taking the time to treat yourself well and with respect. Being mindful and caring about the things that create a balanced life as well as overall well-being. When you take outstanding care of yourself, you will not require the approval or the validation of others. You will learn that you can make changes and indeed manage your life so that you can live an empowering life. No one but you holds the real key to your happiness.

Copyright©2018 Rosa Castro

Useful Resources:



Creating Purpose

Today I slept an extra 2 hours. I did not want to get up because sleeping seems more interesting than my life right now. I have no job, no incoming income, recovering from brain surgery I had on April 27, 2017. My body does not feel like it used. I do not have the energy I used to have. Its cold and grey outside. I am living in Sweden and barely know the language. I depend on my boyfriend for everything I need. All my family and friends live in the USA.  I completely feel useless.

So why am I writing? Because if I stop trying, I might as well die. Life is what we create. I got out of bed because I knew, I could not sleep forever. I know from my life experience that my feelings are not my reality. It’s an emotional interpretation based on perception.

I slowly got myself out of the morning funk. Started with brushing my teeth, drinking water, vitamins, and coffee. I realized as I was making the mechanical moves to drink coffee and make breakfast, I have options. Some days it’s just slower than others.  I realized I was tired from working out, I was hungry, and my brain chemistry was off since I did not have food in my system. I made oatmeal, and before I knew it, I was golden.

Today is about taking baby steps. The small things. They add up. Keeping my focus means:

  1. Focusing on my blessings
  2. Doing making healthy choices like eating a healthy meal
  3. Meditation or prayer
  4. Write down what I need to do today
  5. Do not entertain negative thoughts or feelings too long
  6. Write about my emotional views for the day
  7. Embrace the good that is present
  8. Listen to things that motivate you regardless how corny
  9. Revised my goals
  10. I dismiss my feelings if interrupt with motivation

I know my life is imperfect. But it is what I can change and improve daily. Being committed to my life is about waking up and doing what needs to be done regardless how I feel in the morning.  I am living, and that is enough to make this day worth getting out of bed for.
copyright©2017 Rosa Castro

Helpful sources






